Project Ideas for Economics Final Year Students in 2022

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As a final year student studying Economics in the university, you have certainly gained basic knowledge on various elements affecting the economy, such as unemployment, trade, taxation, foreign investment, inflation, etc. Your final year project is therefore an opportunity to carry out in-depth research in a specific area and build on your already existing knowledge, while also contributing to the economic world. This can be tricky as you need to choose a project topic that strikes a reasonable balance between the complexity of the study and its significance to the economic field.

While you’ll find that some topics are cumbersome, and require extensive familiarity to research on, others are quite easy to understand and yet highly impactful. To make your project topic search as an Economics final year student easier, I have compiled project ideas for Economics Students that’d inspire you to make the right choice.

Project Ideas for Economics Final Year Students in 2022

Here! Let’s dive right into it and take a look at some project ideas for Economics Students.

  1. The Role of Small Businesses in Poverty Alleviation 

This project will not only be quite easy to carry out but also highly impactful, particularly if you live in a developing country where people are faced with the realities of poverty. Some objectives of this study will be to assess the impact of small businesses on poverty alleviation among a selected group of people, and to determine if there’s any positive and significant relationship between businesses and poverty alleviation.

The impact of this study can’t be over-emphasized. It’ll be beneficial to the poor as you’d help them understand the types of small business they can embark on. The research will also help the government and micro-finance institutions to realize the importance of granting subsidies and loans for small businesses to the poor. This project will also be a great reference point for further studies, particularly if you’re interested in areas like global prosperity, innovation and entrepreneurship.

  1. The Effect of Taxation on The Economy

This project idea is a great one to consider as every government has the responsibilities of providing infrastructural services for its people and increasing per capita income and the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) which can’t be achieved without the involvement of the citizens through taxation.

So, in your research, you’ll be answering questions like, Does the revenue generated from tax meet up with the commitment of your country’s government? Do individuals and companies respond positively or negatively towards tax payment? Your survey design will require the use secondary sources of data. This study will be highly impactful to the government and the people as it’ll increase public enlightenment and compliance with tax policies.

  1. Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and Economic Growth 

In every country, FDI has a huge impact on the GDP, exchange rate, and inflation rate. In these current times when the world is experiencing a global crisis due to the COVID-19 pandemic, several countries have experienced a decline in economic growth and a general economic under-development.

Studying the relationship between FDI and economic growth is therefore highly significant, as the study will provide recommendations on how economic policymakers and planners can increase the inflow of foreign investors needed to improve economic development. One of your objectives will be to assess whether the level of fiscal incentives given to foreign investors in your country is adequate. You’ll find this study to be an excellent foundation for further postgraduate research studies.

  1. The Economic Implications of Electronic Banking 

This is another exciting project idea you should consider. In today’s economic world, electronic banking has been adopted by many banks and countries with a lot of emphasis being placed on the need for e-money. However, this isn’t without its own peculiar changes. In this research, you’ll be looking at the types of e-payment and its extent of use in banking activities. You’ll also assess the challenges associated with the development of electronic banking in your country and provide possible solutions. You can limit the scope of your study to a particular bank in your country to make the work easier. This research won’t only contribute to the knowledge of electronic banking, it’s also a great platform for further research studies.

  1. Motivating the Workforce for Greater Productivity in the Banking Sector 

The workforce plays a huge role in the productivity and success of any organisation or sector of the economy. For this project idea, your scope of study will typically be a renowned bank in your community. You can structure your research survey to include both primary and secondary data. For primary data, you’ll provide questionnaires to employees of the bank to obtain data for analysis. Publications relating to the topic are good sources of secondary data. In this study, you’ll access the various forms of motivation that the bank provides for its employees, and how these motivating factors increase employee performance. This is a great project idea to explore if you’re looking to build your career in human resource management.

  1. Analysis of Credit Facilities to Small Scale Farmers

You probably haven’t thought about this project idea, but this is certainly an interesting research project to carry out, particularly if you’ve any interest in the agricultural sector. Small scale farmers make up a large proportion of farmers in the agricultural sector and are largely responsible for the feeding of local communities globally. The lack of credit facilities has been stated as a major limitation to the productivity of these farmers. For this research, you’ll need to identify a group of farmers in a local community and using questionnaires you’ll obtain data for analysis. This research will assess the awareness of farmers on the availability of credit facilities, types of credit facilities that are available, and the role that credit facilities have on the agricultural sector, vis-à-vis the growth and development of the economy.

  1. The Impact of Economic Meltdown on Employees 

This is an easy and relevant project idea to consider. The current global crisis has led to an economic meltdown in various countries. Even countries like the UK, China, and USA have felt the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on their economy. This has led to a crisis situation for workers globally. For this research project, you’ll adopt a cross-sectional survey research design. Your sample population can be employees of a particular government establishment. E.g. the staff of a university or college.

Using questionnaires, you’ll assess the challenges that the economic meltdown has posed to employees such as irregular payment of salaries and difficulties in meeting up with personal and family needs. Based on your findings, you’ll provide recommendations on what can be done to mitigate the impact of the economic meltdown on employees.

Having gone through this article, you now have great ideas to help you create an ideal project topic for your research. Remember that whatever topic you choose should be relevant and easy to complete within the required timeframe. All the best!

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2 thoughts on “Project Ideas for Economics Final Year Students in 2022”

  1. Very resourceful article for Economics students.


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